Author: Beth Pauvlinch
Genre: Reality Series
Title: 'Second Chance' - Helping homeless families with a second chance at life
Logline: Each episode will rescue one homeless family from the streets. You will learn about their situation and what they need to begin their Second Chance at life. Everything will be donated to the family showing viewers at home just how easy it is to give back and offer a helping hand. My hope is this begins a social revolution and is picked up by every county in the US merely on a local level separate from the aired show.
Synopsis: Have you ever wondered how people become “homeless”? How does one go from having a beautiful house, a successful business or great position within a fabulous organization, the perfect family and one day, out of nowhere . . . they have nothing? Don’t you see something like that coming? Sometimes, you just don’t.
Imagine being down on your luck and everything you know takes a turn for the worse. You end up losing everything that you’ve worked so hard for your entire life. You feel you have failed your family . . . your friends . . . yourself! Let’s look into those situations.
We meet up with a family that had some really bad circumstances. For example, perhaps a woman was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer. She is a stay at home mom to three small children. The husband eventually loses his job as he is the primary caregiver to his ailing wife, who is being aggressively treated, and now also to his children.
Film crew & host will follow the selected family throughout their day. See how they live their lives and hear their stories. What do they eat? Where do they get food? Where do they sleep? What do their children do for fun, or . . . do they even have any? Hear the perspective of each family member. All the while, figuring out their needs . . . medical/dental/psychological treatments, financial and educational aid, and placement. Find their talents, their strengths. How can they help themselves? How could their past aid them in their futures? What are their hopes?
The family would then be escorted to a sponsored hotel to shower and a clothing sponsor would have a new outfit for each family member. They would be escorted to a sponsored restaurant that will feed them a delightful dinner while continuing the family’s story. The family ends the evening being taken to the clothing sponsor’s location to pick out six additional outfits. They would return to the hotel for a pleasant, soft, safe place to sleep. The following morning, the family would be sent somewhere locally sponsored in which the family has an interest. For example, a day at the zoo for a family with small children would be nice or some type of concert for a family that appreciates music.
We would, in turn, find sponsors to provide clothing, job assistance, education, and living arrangements until the family is able to get on their feet financially (specified period).
The family would then meet at the location of their new ‘HOME’. The host will introduce them to the sponsors and what each has to offer the family according to the family’s needs. They are asked about their experience during the last couple of days and how this has affected them.
The goal of each show is to get one homeless family off the streets, into some decent housing, guiding them into a position in the workforce while continuing education, if necessary, and providing medical/dental/psychological care. We will send the family off to start their ‘Second Chance’.
Updates on the families follow.
A unique social website will help drive audience participation with the following:
An integrated moderated forum where viewers can share their good deeds in helping others in their own communities
Live interviews/updates with the families after the show
Video blogging of content that does not make each week’s episode
An interactive website where people can volunteer for the show and/or volunteer in their county
It is my belief that people really do want to give back; however, they don’t know just how easy it can be. We need more positive, feel-good reality shows. One of the few that is somewhat similar was ‘Extreme Home Makeover’ which aired for nine years and was one of ABC’s top-rated series.
‘Second Chance’ is heart-wrenching to heart-warming in each episode. Just real people helping those in need with nothing more to gain other than that ‘feel good’ motivation!
The Visionary
Treatment for 'Second Chance'